Friday, September 29, 2006

Cute little story

Every once in a while this summer Claire would mention that she wanted to try to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. Unfortunately, she usually said this while we were in the car or at the grocery store or unavailable in some other way. Never while we were at home, with nothing to do. So it just didn't happen.

A couple of weeks ago, September 16th to be exact, we were at the barn for Jessica's riding lesson and Claire was with me (of course). Macy wasn't around so Claire had to entertain herself. I was sitting down at the ring watching the lesson that was just starting. I looked up (the arena sits down a hill from the barn) to see what Claire was doing and saw her riding Macy's bike across the grass. I knew Macy didn't have training wheels. And I knew there was NO ONE up there helping her. And I also knew we had never tried it. Not once.


I looked over at Michelle, Jessica's instructor, and said "I think Claire just taught herself how to ride a bike.". We both looked up and Claire was setting the bike down and running down the hill. She said she wanted to show me something and she was SO proud. I went up the hill with her and watched her get on the bike and just take off. Just like that!

She rode all around the barn that night. And when we got home, Jonathan took the training wheels off of her bike and off she went. JUST LIKE THAT!

Have a great weekend!


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