Friday, April 28, 2006

Not sure why....

the insanity of this time of year always surprises me, but it does. Spring and early summer around here are a flurry of activity. It passes in a whirl wind. With birthdays in March, April & May, Easter, Prom and dances, horse season starting, extra dance rehearsals, ticket sales and pictures and the rest of the regular goings on, we never stop. And right about now every year I think to myself....I really should know by now to better prepare myself for least mentally.

But here I sit this morning thinking, Wow, it's Friday. Where has the week gone? And with everything on our schedule this weekend I'll be thinking the same thing on Monday.

It's all good though. We lead full, happy lives. I just need to remember we have to schedule time to eat!

I'm busy (see above) so I'm out. Have a good one!

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