Thursday, November 20, 2008

Haircuts and Birthdays

Actually those are both singular.

Sophie isn't going to school today, not feeling well, so I have to drive both this morning and this afternoon. Puts a bit of a cramp in my style today. That extra hour on the road makes a difference! But the good news is...I get a cut and color today. The color is no big deal, I'm on my regular schedule for that, but the cut will be dramatic. I've been letting my hair grow, and grow and grow, and it's time to whack it off! I'll try to get a decent picture when i get home and show it off.

Today is also Jonathan's birthday. Nothing too celebratory on the schedule but we'll have dinner tonight and I'll make apple dumplings per tradition. I bought him the new Warren Buffet book he wanted and might try to figure out something else today (though I have no clue what). He's got a heavy day at work today, bigwigs down from Wilmington, so he'll need a relaxing evening at home tonight.

I'll leave you with a couple pictures of Claire and Sophie taken at Punkin' Chunkin' this year. They are such good friends! Hope she's feeling better soon.

Until next time...

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