Thursday, April 17, 2008

Action Plan - Day 2

Today was one of those days that kind if just disappeared. At 2:00 I realized I needed to get my (big) butt in gear and do some moving. So I worked outside for a half and hour or so then did my one mile walk around the neighborhood. Go me! I also did a pretty decent job on portion control and snacking today. AND I drank water. There are too many days that I only drink coffee and nothing else. I'm on glass 3 (12 ounces each) and counting. My kidneys wont know what to think!

Two days in a row. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey maybe I ought to start my blog back up to combat my Ally-withdrawl.....followed your link from the garden spot....yes I am reduces to reading the pea-board.

anyway ggod to "see" you
