Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Taaa Daaaaa!

Thanks for the worked. I got my dream car. Didn't get exactly the price I was looking for but darned close. It really is a fabulous automobile. It's giving my camera a run for it's money in the "Karlyn's Favorite Possesions" department. And that's saying something.

In other news, there is no other news. I think we're finally all starting to get over this nasty illness and feel human again. I'm catching up on laundry and the never ending job of cleaning up animal hair. Claire is actually able to stay awake all day and the bags under Hannah's eyes have disappeared. Not a moment too soon either with our trip to the National Zoo on Friday and a weekend at my Mom's in Virginia. More on that later....

Have a good one!

1 comment:

monicaintexas said...

pretty car