Thursday, March 23, 2006

Having a good day!

Despite being a bit under the weather still. Why oh why can't I kick this head cold thing??

Not only do I have my new car. And not only did I get a good haircut this morning. (please don't anyone eer let me cut my hair ALL off again.) But I found out last night that I made the design team at . This is my first design team EVAH and I'm like a kid at Christmas. I just can't believe they picked me. I've been working hard lately on my scrapping. Submitting more, trying to do really GOOD work. Sending in a few design team applications. And it's starting to pay off. I really want to do a good job for this site. I'm excited to get started.

Busy day here...we leave tomorrow for Claire's field trip to the National Zoo then go straight from there to my Mom's in Virginia. I haven't been to a good zoo in so long I actually can't wait. Though I'm not sure if I'm more excited about seeing the animals, being with Claire and sharing her excitement of this awesome field trip or all the fabulous photo opportunities. Not going analyze it too carefully....I'd hate to suffer from self induced Mommy guilt.

Back to busy. Thursday is already a crazy day for me. I'm gone from 2 to 6 driving carpool and doing the gymnastic thing. But today I have to finish the laundry and pack for our trip AND go to the DMV. Seems my driver's license expired at the beginning of November. AAaaack! I never use it so I didn't even notice until we went to buy this car. Had to give him my license to copy before we went on a test drive. He didn't notice (good thing too they might not have let me take the car) but I did. Not much fun going to motor vehicle but at least I just came from getting my hair done and have a slight chance of taking a good dl photo!

I'm looking forward to the weekend at my Mom's. My sister, bil and niece will be there too. We're seeing Dora live on Saturday and otherwise just hanging out. Jonathan is going to fly down Saturday morning if the weather's good but Hannah has Saturday school and a job interview on Sunday so she can't come. Seems odd leaving her home...especially considering my memories of what I did when my Mom left me home alone at that age. Let's not even go THERE!

Must scoot. Laundry and groceries and the crock pot are calling. Til Monday....

Have a good one!


monicaintexas said...

congrats again on the DT -- soo cool.

army reserv {ed} said...

Congratulations!! THis is big news!!!