Saturday, May 13, 2006

Prom Picture Pressure

It's all I can think about today. I've been to the nail salon, the barn, the florist and through it all, in the back of my mind, are thoughts about taking pictures tonight.

You don't have to be a scrapbooker to want fabulous photos of your daughter's first prom. Just a Mom. But combine the two and you've got a great NEED for the perfect artitistic photographs.

Most of my problem lies in the fact that we have no good spots to take photos in the house or yard. There are no cool columns, no picturesque benches, no shimmering ponds. Inside is white walls or unattractive (for photo backgrounds) furniture. The rest lies in my lack of confidence to use my camera properly.

It's too much pressure.

But I'm going to do the only thing I can...take a BUNCH and hope for the best.

Wish me luck!


Sophia C. said...

Oh, I remember these days so well. I'm sure that you'll do a great job! When all else fails, the back of the front door or your tallest bush always works! Good luck and Happy Prom weekend!


alecia*grimm said...

you'll do great!! Good luck!

SageHen said...

Did you get pictures at the nail salon and the florist? Maybe that would take the pressure off a little bit.