Friday, January 20, 2006

Catching Up

I had a feeling I wasn't going to be very good and keeping this thing up to date. They say if you do something 7 times in a row it becomes habit. I'm going to test that theory starting NOW!

Life is busy. I don't know how some people do all the things they do. I think they must just not sleep very much. Or maybe they just go full steam all day long until they collapse into bed at night. Neither of those options appeal to me though so I'm just going to keep trucking along the best I can. But I am going to try to limit spending time on things that aren't on the top of my list of priorities to make more time for the things that are. It's tough sometimes; the not so important things are usually easier to do (like PEAing) than oh say....exercising.

I've been scrapping more lately. And I'm happier with the results. I'm not sure if I'm getting better at it, getting more comfortable with my style or some combination of the two but it's working for me. I'm enjoying it. And I've started submitting again. I'd love to have a page or two (or twelve) published this year. I've got my fingers crossed.

I could go on (and on) about the kids and how I'm loving my new camera and figuring out the whole digital process and about a million other things but laundry calls (Hannah FINALLY threw ALL her dirty clothes down the chute last night...why is that so tough) and I must get on with my day.

Happy Friday!

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