Sunday, January 29, 2006

Weekend Re-Cap

Not a bad weekend. I've had better, I've certainly had worse.

Helping my grandparents went well. I don't think we got much done but they sure did. Note to things get tired quick at 80+ years old!

Jess had her semi-formal Friday night. She looked so pretty and grown up with her new dress and hair done. I didn't do such a great job with the photos but you should get the idea from this one.

She had a blast...danced the night away! These kinds of experiences are just one of the many reasons I switched her from private to public school this year. I'm so glad she's making the best of it.

Drove Jess up to Dover to spend the weekend with her Dad on Saturday. Claire and I hit Target. I've been holding out hope forever that they would start carrying Heidi Swapp products but still no luck. Claire got a super cute Hello Kitty outfit though. She wore it today and was just so hip.

Jonathan finally got home from Florida Saturday night. This trip seemed so long. We watched Wedding Crashers. Fun movie. I actually laughed out loud a couple times.

Today was grocery shopping and laundry then back to my grandfather's to help hang some pictures and such. Returned the tv we bought just two weeks ago to Best Buy. We sure do have electronic troubles around this house. What makes a tv die so quickly? Bad batch I suppose.

Gosh when you write it all out it looks pretty pathetic doesn't it?? I guess that's just real life up there. Maybe next year at this time I'll have an exciting "I'm off to CHA" post here instead! If you're going, have a blast for me too.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Michelle W. said...

Jess looks so cute!!! Love your blog.
